WellBe Link is an organisation that prioritises mental health.
Their team of expert counsellors and mental health trainers support individuals and teams in achieving optimal wellbeing. Noot only do their services enhance personal and workplace wellbeing, but they also drive social change. Every investment their training and counselling services helps break down barriers to positive mental health.
Services include:
For more information about any of these services, please contact the WellBe Link team using the information below or visit the WellBe Link website HERE.
Tellmi is a safe, anonymous app for young people where you can talk about absolutely anything. From anxiety to autism, dating to depression, or self-harm to self-esteem, sharing your experiences with their awesome community helps you to feel better.
Moderators check everything to keep their users safe and their in-house counsellors are always on hand for those who need extra support.
Find out more and download the app by visiting the link below.
Happy Mojos is a way of life. As a children’s activity provider in Somerset, Happy Mojos use creative play to help support the mental wellbeing of children. In their classes and clubs, children have fun in an environment where they can be still, loud, active, creative and mindful, whilst feeling empowered, nurtured, supported, encouraged and respected.
Their fun and creative play sessions give children the confidence to cope with life around them. They learn how to understand emotions and express themselves; building positive relationships with others, whilst having the best time!
Happy Mojos offer school holiday and after school clubs in Somerset. Visit their website for more information and to find a group near you.
Organic Rhythm has been on a mission to present a range of hands on interactive programs to inspire, educate and entertain all types of audiences for the last 15 years. The Drum Bus is their exciting new project – an American school bus from New York that’s been converted to offer a mobile drumming venue.
This energising, uplifting and stress-releasing activity can connect and bond people and is perfect for team building, conference ice breakers, community building, and more.
Based in Ilminster but ready to travel across South Somerset and beyond, The Drum Bus aims to bring the therapeutic benefits of drumming to you.
Costs vary depending on location so get in touch to discuss.
Thrive use gardening to bring about positive changes in the lives of people living with disabilities or ill-health, or who are isolated, disadvantaged of vulnerable. They have over 40 years’ experience of an approach called social and therapeutic horticulture (STH), where trained horticultural therapists work with plants and people to improve an individual’s physical and psychological health, communication and social skills.
If you think Thrive might be of help to you, or you’d like more information, get in contact via the email address below.
Yeovil Trinity Peer Group is an open mental health peer support group, offering support and conversation. Starting 16th September 2022. Meeting every Friday 10.30am – 12 midday at Yeovil Foyer, Peter Street, Yeovil, BA20 1PN
We are a friendly, well-established and non auditioned choir that regularly welcomes new members, often with little or no previous singing experience. We find that that the best way to learn is in the company of other, like minded, individuals – and be assured that our charismatic conductor, Katrine Reimers, will bring fun to the occasion as well as satisfaction.
Checkout our Facebook page to see what’s been going on!
The first three rehearsals are free to give you time to get used to us and make some friends.
We meet weekly on Monday evenings, 7.15-9.00pm, from September through to May at The PEC, King Arthur’s School, Wincanton, BA9 9BX.
Open Mental Health is an alliance between the Somerset Foundation Trust and Voluntary Sector Organisations. The aim is to ensure adults in Somerset get the support they need, when they need it.
The lead organisation is The Balsam Centre in Wincanton. Other organisations include Chard Watch, Mind (Yeovil hub), Citizens Advice and Age UK. We also have a Community Support Worker for Eating Discorders. Higher level need can be supported by Second Step.
Examples of intervention / projects available: Housing / Financial advice – Physical Activity – Peer Support – Volunteering opportunities – Eating disorder support – Ecotherapy – Crisis provision
You can self-refer via the Mindline phone numbers below or email.
For more details on Open Mental Health, see here.
Mind have extended the hours of the Mindline phone service during the Coronavirus lockdown. This is now available 24/7.
Their staff can also refer you to specialist support from other local Mental Health charities.
Some people are feeling more anxious at the moment, either from the long periods of isolation from the lockdowns or about Coronavirus itself. The following resources may help;
11 tips to cope with anxiety about coming out of lockdown – Every Mind Matters
Anxiety self help for adults – NHS
Stepladder works with communities, groups and organisations across Somerset to find new ways for men to connect, support each other and get help when they need it.
We hope you can find what you’re looking for here – and do get in touch if you want to know more about our community development work across Somerset or you’d like to share your experiences and expertise.
Kooth.com is a free, safe, confidential and non-stigmatised way for young people to receive counselling, advice and support on-line. Kooth delivers thousands of counselling sessions each year to young people aged 11-18. Available until 10pm each night, 365 days per year, completely free.
Barnardo’s are offering support to men who want help around anger management and are concerned about violence and abuse within their intimate relationships. The group is ideal for men who want to improve their current or future relationships. Many men come to the group because they also want to improve their relationships and support for their children and the Reprovide programme has a strong focus on this.
Our FREE groups run weekly on Wednesday evenings in Taunton and Thursday evening near Shepton Mallet.
Those who have completed the programme report that the support group was friendly and gave them a safe and confidential space to talk about many difficult issues. For many men the group helps them to build and sustain positive relationships and to improve their mental health.
There is no requirement to fill in any referral forms.
See the Apps that could help your mental health that have been tested and approved by the NHS. Most are free.
Somerset Big Tent is a partnership of VCSE organisations that provide a range of services including positive activities, therapeutic services and specialist support to increase positive wellbeing and improve mental health within children and young people aged 8-18 in Somerset.
All services on the Somerset Big Tent website have gone through a quality and safety assurance process, this means that Somerset Big Tent has met with each organisation and are satisfied with the key documents and information that they have provided us with.
The Early Help offer in Somerset is not just for young children, as problems can emerge at any point throughout childhood and adolescence. The Early Help offer includes universal and targeted services designed to reduce and prevent problems escalating or becoming entrenched.
There are a wide range of Early Help options for support across the county that provide generic or more tailored support based on the concerns presenting. One such team for support is the Family Intervention Service (FIS), which is a specialist county-wide service developed through the joining of established Team 8 and getset level 3 services. It offers support to children and young people from birth up to 18 years and their families where multiple complex issues are present.
The Family Intervention service can also work with families where an individual over 18 has Special Educational Needs, is at risk of homelessness or where younger children are in the home. The team also work to support Young Carers in the county.
If you feel that you and/or your family are in need of support with concerns of behaviour, family relationship dynamics, mental health/emotional wellbeing, substance misuse, domestic abuse, financial or housing support, and/or parenting support FIS could be a service to support you and your family and you can access this by talking to any professional involved regarding making a referral. This could be a GP, School, Health Visitor, Mental health professional, PCSO etc.
Alternatively if you just want to talk, contact us by phone on the number below.
Talk Club is a Talking and Listening Club for men.
It’s a support network for ways to keep mentally fit.
It’s a community of men looking after each other.
It’s here to remind all men that they are not alone, that other men feel exactly the same way they do, and if we share our feelings we can become mentally strong.
Together we can change the way we look after our mental health and end suicide.
Somerset Nature Connections project aims to tackle some of the barriers that prevent people experiencing the health and wellbeing benefits of Somerset’s spectacular natural environment. Somerset Nature Connections will help people to access these natural spaces, with a focus on supporting mental wellbeing and physical activity.
Nature Connection and wellbeing courses will be running in Mendip, Quantocks and Blackdown AONB areas. During the courses we will explore the Five Pathways to Nature Connectedness (contact, beauty, emotion, compassion and meaning). You will learn self-care techniques including nature-based mindfulness, sit spots and gratitude, as well as experiencing activities such as natural craft, outdoor cooking, bushcraft and helping out with a variety of conservation tasks.
These courses are for you if you are feeling isolated and/or experiencing mild to moderate depression, low mood, anxiety or stress.
The Somerset Nature Connections project is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and is a partnership project with the Somerset Wildlife Trust, Mendip Hills, Quantock Hills and Blackdown Hills AONBs. The courses are free of charge to participants.
Details of upcoming courses will be advertised on the webpage below. For more info, email us.
Mental fitness is all about the good management of good mental health. HeadFIT for Life helps defence people stay mentally fit and on top of their game. By the Ministry of Defence and Heads Together.
It’s hard enough to experience mental health problems, without having to face the judgement, shame and isolation that often surrounds them. That’s why we want to end mental health discrimination.
Time to Change is a growing social movement working to change the way we all think and act about mental health problems. We’ve already reached millions of people and begun to improve attitudes and behaviour.
You can download this useful guide via the link below. Public Health at Somerset County Council produced this.
A new mentoring programme across Somerset for people affected by mental illness to give and receive support. Living with mental illness can make people feel alone and isolated – in many ways. Connecting with someone who understands because they too have been affected by mental illness can really help. With a mentor you can talk about what matters, and explore ways to do what you want to do.
We are also looking for volunteers interested in becoming mentors. You will use your lived experience of mental illness as a basis for support. Your role will involve attending pre-arranged mentoring sessions with the person you are connected with. There will be up to eight sessions which can be in person or by phone. You will need to attend a Peer Mentoring Course, over four half days.
For further information or to arrange an informal chat about Peer Mentoring opportunities please contact us.
Somerset Wellbeing Friends provided by Mind in Somerset
Focusing on improving life skills, promoting coping strategies and tackling loneliness.
They also offer support for those affected by mental health issues. Everyone is welcome to come, learn and make friends!
Bridgwater- The Engine Room- Every Monday 10am-12pm
Taunton- The Albemarie Centre- Every Monday 2pm-4pm
Yeovil- St Mark’s Church- Every Tuesday 11am-1pm
Frome- Cheese and Grain- Every Tuesday 2.30pm-4.30pm
Minehead- Quaker Meeting House- Every Thursday 11am-1pm
Somerset Mental Wellbeing Service supports people to improve and maintain their mental wellbeing through access to community resources and opportunities. We are a ‘low level’ service that supports and works with people with an underlying mental health condition to improve their mental wellbeing by accessing wider community resources, building networks and increasing independence.
The service is available to those who wish to improve their mental wellbeing to reduce the impact on their lives with meaningful support. Our service cannot replace other services that are established to directly tackle mental health conditions, but if someone’s able and at a level where they can engage then we can work alongside other services. The service is delivered via ‘Wellbeing Navigators’, Peer Support and Self-Management workshops.
Wellbeing Navigators will work with you to identify, create and develop a personalised Wellbeing Recovery Plan:
Self-Management and Peer Support workshops are run in your local area, contact us for more information.
We will work with you for a time limited period to achieve your personal outcomes and during this period enable you to develop the skills, strategies and networks to move on from the service.
The Somerset Recovery College is hosted by Somerset Partnership NHS Trust for the wellbeing of people in Somerset.
Our students are people with lived experience of mental health difficulties, their family and friends, and the professionals who support them.
Our courses are open access for Somerset residents over the age of 18 and are free of charge. We do not take referrals from health professionals and our students do not have to be using mental health services to access any of our courses as long as they have a interest in mental health and recovery is genuine.
Meets Mondays 2.30-4.30pm at Vicarage Street Methodist Church, Yeovil. Contact Jane Carter-Uren for more details.
A bi-monthly support group open to all adults registered at any Yeovil GP practice. Run by Penn Hill Health Coaches, with speakers on useful topics such as emotional resilience, mindfulness, etc.
6.30-7.30pm, first Monday of the month.
Places limited, so please call first. Tel 01935 470800 and ask to speak to a Jo or Georgie.
Penn Hill Surgery, St. Nicholas Close, Yeovil BA20 1SB
Providing specialised support for people with mental health needs, Asperger’s, aquired brain injury and learning disability.
Confidence Clubs are for people living with mental ill health conditions, and who would benefit from confidence building to:
Please feel welcome to chat to Julia by making contact (see below details):
Sometimes a speaker is arranged to visit us, and ideas for speakers are chosen by people attending at club meet-ups.
Do you live with depression or bipolar disorder? Do you feel like you are the only one? Or, are you afraid to tell people? A peer-led, confidential support group for people just like you has formed! Our goal is to provide hope, help, support and education to improve lives of people who have mood disorders. If you or a loved one are looking for help come along.
If you are interested, please send an email or call for further details.
A horticultural therapy group where people can improve their mental wellbeing through gardening.
Advice for Armed Forces Veterans to access health services.
Call or email Sheila Taylor, Veterans Champion for Mental Health at Sompar.
We are a friendly group of ex-Servicepeople, including ex-Emergency Services, who meet up to socialise, share experiences and help each other find support in the community.
Our meetings are on the first Saturday of the month, from 12-2pm, following the Veterans Breakfast Club which starts at 9:30.
Yeovil Labour Club, Unity Hall, Central Rd, Yeovil BA20 1JL.
Eating Disorders may include under-eating, binge eating, and/or using unhealthy behaviours which can seriously harm the individual with long term effects. Eating Disorders affect both men and women of all ages and at any time of their lives. The good news is there is life beyond an Eating Disorder and we can help you to overcome some of the practical hurdles you might be experiencing.
The Recovery Support Project will give you the opportunity to work with a supporter on a tailor–made individual support programme. It will help you to set small goals and achieve them with a focus on helping you to feel more confident around everyday activities such as: food shopping, cooking and eating, as well as clothes shopping and leisure activities. It will also help you with other skills you may wish to manage.
Our aim is to improve participants’ mental health and well-being, confidence and self-esteem, providing people with mindfulness-based tools to help with their daily lives. We also hope to have guest speakers, topical themes and supportive opportunities for all our group members. Activities will vary depending on identified needs.
Open to any patient registered at a South Somerset GP practice.
Every Friday, 6:30-8pm at Oaklands, Birchfield Road, Yeovil BA21 5RL.
AKA Community Day. Run by Mind in Somerset. Peer support service, providing a safe and welcoming place for individuals to drop in when they are looking for that little bit of extra support. Support worker to talk to in confidence, craft activities, internet access, photography club, afternoon art group, access to Citizens Advice.
Every Wednesday from 9.30am – 3.30pm at the Methodist Church (Wesley Room), Vicarage Street, Yeovil, BA20 1JZ
Drop-in facility for young people in South Somerset aged between 11-25 who are struggling with mental health difficulties. Young people can get support on anxiety, depression, gender dysmorphia, self-harm, addiction, sexual health, unemployment, sexuality and substance misuse.
Run by Mind in Somerset.
The Yeovil Wellbeing Project is a Big Lottery funded project aimed at supporting people in Yeovil and the surrounding areas to improve their mental wellbeing. The groups will focus on improving confidence, life skills, assertiveness, social skills and training and employment opportunities.
Each group will be 3 hours long and will include both a taught and creative session related to the individual weeks’ content in a 12 week rolling programme, and our Support Workers will offer short 1-1 wellbeing checks as well as individual guided goal setting support. Individuals are able to come for as many weeks as they like, and may chose to do more than 12 weeks, or even return to volunteer!
Every Tuesday, 11am – 2pm at St Marks Hall, Yeovil, BA21 4PU
Mental Health Charity: Community day, wellbeing groups, gardening project and workplace empowerment project.
The little book of mental health: a practical guide for everyday emotional wellbeing has been re-published by Public Health at Somerset County Council.
The digital version can be downloaded by clicking here.
Printed copies can be ordered via Louise Finnis, Health Promotion Manager – Mental Health, Public Health, County Hall finnis@somerset.gov.uk
We are the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Working closely with young people and families, we campaign on a number of issues impacting young people and their mental health.
Our activists campaign for political change and spread the message in schools, at events and online about how to look after your mental health. We also run a parents helpline, which offers free advice and support to any adult who’s worried about the behaviour or mental health of a young person.
We also offer training and consultancy to professionals who work with children – including teachers, doctors and mental health services. Finally, we provide a huge amount of information and support on their website and on social media.
This service is for for 9-25 year olds.“HELP has trained, independent, counsellors who can really listen to you in a non-judgmental way, and give you a safe space to talk through what is bothering you. No matter how large or small the problem seems to be, counselling can help you explore and understand your feelings, thoughts and your actions. You choose to start. You choose when to stop. You choose what you talk about.
To access the service fill in the forms on the website or call for information.
“We ask clients to pay what they can afford towards covering our costs. We ask clients to consider a sum between £3 and £40, that makes as significant a contribution towards covering our costs as possible but is not going to be a problem in that it might be a reason for not coming.”
If you have a mental health issue or experience emotional distress, it can be difficult to express your wishes and represent your own interests to people who provide your care and treatment. MIND Advocacy help you to speak up for yourself and ensure your views and opinions are listened to.
The support Pathways offers includes supported accommodation and resettlement support as well as advice on housing, benefits, and managing debts; it also refers clients to other specialist agencies.
Works with individuals affected by mental health issues and other difficulties, in order to help them towards recovery, increased independence and/or greater well being and quality of life. Offer a variety of courses, classes and therapies. Run ‘Memories’ workshops twice a week for individuals suffering with Dementia.
The aim of the group is to champion the needs of people with neurological conditions, and their families and carers, living in Somerset.
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in its work, including people living with a neurological condition, family members and carers, representatives of neurological charities etc.
The group produced ‘A Guide to Neurological Services in Somerset’ in 2015 which is a very useful directory of support for people with neurological conditions. This is available as a pdf or on this website.
Talk to us any time you like, in your own way, and off the record about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. We know a lot about what can help you through tough times. We can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen.
It doesn’t matter who you are, how you feel, or what has happened. If you feel that things are getting to you, get in touch. We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Local branches have different opening hours for face to face support. Find your local branches and numbers below
Yeovil: Morley House, 26 West Hendford, Yeovil BA201XE
Taunton and Somerset: 16 Wood Street, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1UN
Call or check website for hours open to receive callers at the door.
Home visits, life skills, support groups. Aiming to improve the levels of physical and mental wellbeing in people that are not able to access transport or local services.
CHARD WATCH (Working Altogether in Chard) is a group of like-minded people whose aim is to provide other isolated individuals from Chard, and the surrounding areas, a safe place to grow by developing confidence, friendships and valuable skills. We give members an elevated sense of confidence and empowerment by enabling them to take their own positive steps. Change comes from within, and we help people take their first steps to fulfil their potential.
Our project offers a warm and non-judgemental social base where members can regain confidence by accessing various workshops and activities like art, reflexology, cooking, drama, walks, personal awareness courses and IT workshops. One of our most important engaging times are our tea and talk sessions whereby members bring subjects, ideas, plans, worries, etc. to discuss with other members, staff and volunteers. WATCH also delivers a variety of free self-management, peer workshops and bespoke courses both locally and across the whole of Somerset.
Please contact us for more information on what we can offer and how to become a member.
Whatever you need to know about coping with stress, anxiety or depression, or just the normal emotional ups and downs of life, the NHS Choices Moodzone is here to help. Follow link below.
It offers practical advice, interactive tools, videos and audio guides to help you feel mentally and emotionally better.
We offer a wide range of treatments for adults 18 years of age and over who are registered with a GP surgery in the Somerset area, in a variety of different ways, so that we can help as many people as possible access talking therapies. Our aim is that our therapies should intrude as little as possible in your everyday life, but still have the best chance of delivering positive outcomes for you.
If you are 18 years or over and registered at a GP surgery in Somerset, there are a number of ways you can refer yourself to Talking Therapies:
This area of the Somerset Children and Young People’s Health & Wellbeing website provides support to schools, colleges and Somerset ‘getset’ services about mental health and emotional health & wellbeing. It brings together key information and recommended websites for staff working with children and young people in Somerset.
An online information hub offering young people advice and help on mental health problems including depression, anxiety and stress.
MindEd is a free educational resource for all adults on children and young people’s mental health.
OCD UK is the leading national charity, independently working with and for almost one million children and adults whose lives are affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD typically falls into four categories Checking, Contamination / Mental Contamination, Hoarding, Ruminations / Intrusive Thoughts.
For thousands of years, meditators have claimed many benefits for their practice. Our experience, and that of Headspace members, suggests that regular mindfulness practice, through meditation, is an effective treatment for stress, worry, lack of focus, relationship problems, addictions and more. Please access the website for more information.
HOPELINE UK is a confidential support and advice service for:
A HOPELINE UK advisor will hear about the things that are happening in your life that are contributing to your thoughts of suicide and provide advice about how you can cope with your thoughts of suicide, or where you can access help. You can also speak to our HOPELINE UK advisors to get advice about how to start a conversation about suicide with someone you are concerned about, and how to best support them. Run by the charity Papyrus.
Open 9am – midnight every day of the year.
Somerset Partnership have put together a collection of self help guides. These are available to view when you follow the link below. The guides cover these topics:
Alcohol and You
Controlling Anger
Depression and Low Mood
Domestic Violence
Eating Disorders
Food for Thought
Health Anxiety
Obsessions and Compulsions
Postnatal Depression
Self Harm
Shyness and Social Anxiety
Sleeping Problems
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